Monday, November 23, 2009

If It's Not One Thing...

Poor Abby, she's had a rough few days...she is still on the Metcam post-surgery, as it keeps the pinched nerve in check, according to the vet...but ever since she had a teensy bit of bacon on Friday, it's been a loooooong road of upset tummy...

I was up most of Friday night with her, and it had me worried. Then Saturday she messed herself twice at adoptions, and she's had about five baths in the last three days. Saturday and Sunday we gave her a bland, albeit healthy, diet...strictly turkey and rice. But she still wasn't feeling well.

So we took her in today, and she was perky at the vet's office, barking at all the bigger doggies. Although, truth be told, her bark was a bit subdued, and my guess is that was due to the fact that she'd been feeling pukey the last three days...

Met a lady in the office who was there putting down her 17-year-old Terrier. I watched in awe as my mom spoke softly with the lady, reassuring her that if the dog was ready, then she needed to be too. It was a humbling moment, and it inspires me...

The vet says that either the Metacam or the bacon or just her already-compromised-immune system led to her latest bout. She's now on two different antibiotics, and I am familiar with neither of them. But she takes them so well, she is so used to being handled now, it's truly remarkable.

We gave her a full bath today - now that her scabs are healed, she was due for a KetoChlor bath to help the remaining bald patches grow in some hair...and Johnson's baby shampoo for the rest of her body...And she even takes to the blow dryer! Of course, I point it away from her more frequently than toward her, but I had her dry in less than a minute. Granted, she's just under 3 pounds now, so she's tiny, but I had her dry in no time! And then I wrapped her in a light sweater, tucked her into bed, and she was asleep in two minutes...!

She lights up the second I come's nice. She easily pulled herself to the front of her pen when I got home from work this afternoon, and she snuggled next to me the rest of the night as I (re)read "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer.

Little by little, she gets better...but it's always something with her! And she's so sweet that I am just glad that all her misfortunes haven't hardened her into the quintessential "bad" Chihuahua stereotype we've all heard about.


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